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S T C C G - T R A D I N G - L I S T


auf dieser Seite findest Du meine Tausch- und Verkaufswünsche zum Star Trek Customizable Card Game von Deciper (STCCG 1. Edition und sehr wenig 2. Edition)
Stand der Liste: Februar 2014

Alle unten stehenden Rares sind ungespielt. Referenzen habe ich genug (siehe englicher Text unten), aber falls Du kein GAB-Mitglied bist, habe bitte Verständnis, dass Du im Falle eines Tausches/Kaufes zuerst senden musst.
Ich erwarte gerne Dein realistisches Angebot. Klar, dass es auch Mengenrabatt gibt!
Angebote und Anfragen bitte an: Linkbild

Hi everybody,
these are my actual HAVEs of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game (STCCG -1st Edition from Decipher).

Please feel free to send any realistic offers to my address: Linkbild
BUT: If you are not a GAB-member, while trading with me, you have to send your cards first!

All my cards are BLACK BORDER, exept the cards from the Premiere set (WB 95), and in very good condition.
Trading-References are available, but please check first the GAB listings via the following link.

I’m Capt. Fox of the Orange GAB-Team.
Visit the G.A.B.-Pages!


Beim Kauf von Karten bitte berücksichtigen, dass noch ein fairer Betrag für Verpackung und Versand hinzukommt.

Ganz zum Schluss noch ein Hinweis:
Die folgende Liste sind meine doppelten Rares. Bei einem fairen Angebot gebe ich aber auch meine komplette (Spiel-)Sammlung ab.
Bei Interesse einfach Kontakt aufnehmen.


= = = = = H A V E = = = = =

Ultra-Rares / Previews- Have

The Pendari Champion - UR (VOY 173)
Future Enterprise - UR (AU)
Worf Son of Mogh - Pv (Dom)


Reflections - Have

Admiral Riker (BT - sealed)
Gowron of Borg (BT - sealed)
Dr. Telek R'Mor (BT-sealed)
Study Nebular (VRF)
Esionage Mission (SRF)
Investigate Shattered Space (VRF)
Montana Missile Complex (VRF)
Ressikan Flute (VRF)
Cryosatellite (VRF)
Betazoid Gift Box (VRF)
Plans of the Tal Shiar (VRF)
Assimilate Homeworld (VRF)
Scout Encounter (VRF)
Armus - Skin of Evil (VRF)
Yuta (VRF)
USS Enterprise (SRF)
USS Enterprise-C (VRF)
Office of the President SRF)
Deanna Troi (SRF)
Tasha Yar - Alternate (SRF)
  IKC Rotarran (VRF)
IKC Fek'Ihr (VRF)
Lursa (SRF)
Kahless (VRF)
Kurn (VRF)
B'Etor (SRF)
Office of the Proconsul (SRF)
Khazara (VRF)
Decius (VRF)
Taris (VRF)
Chamber of Ministers (SRF)
Kira Nerys (SRF)
Bareil Antos (VRF)
Keldon Advanced (SRF)
Garak (VRF)
Dukat (SRF)
Queen's Borg Cube (SRF)
  Weyoun (SRF)
Founder Leader (SRF)
O'Brien Founder (VRF)
Kira Founder (VRF)
Gomtuu (VRF)
Galen (SRF)
10 and 01 (SRF)
Madam Guinan (SRF)
Dathon (SRF)
Ocular Implants (VRF)
Wall of Ships (VRF)
Retask (VRF)
System 5 Disruptors (VRF)
Interrogation (VRF)
Supernova (VRF)
Alas, poor Queen (VRF)


2nd Edition - Have

Nog - Eager Cadet (1 R 279)
Sympathetic Magic (1 R 51)


Blaze of Glory - Foils - Have

Goraxus (VRF)
IKC Negh'Var (VRF)
Borg Cutting Beam (VRF)


Specials - Have

U.S.S. Jupiter (Armada PC Game Promotional Card - sealed)
Away Team Pack: The Emissary + The Traveller (sealed)


The Motion Pictures - Have

Hero Worship (4)
I just love scanning for Life-Forms (16)
Captain Spock (38)
Captain Sulu (40)
Commander Uhura (45)
  David Marcus (46)
Dr. McCoy (50)
Chancellor Gorkon (73)
General Chang (75)
  Nanclus (109)
Son'a Battleship (124)
Camp Khitomer (130)


Holodeck Adventures - Have

The City of B'Hala
Ferengi Financial Data Net (19)
Ezri Dax (68)
Anastasia Komananov (81)
Barash (83)
Captain Proton (85)
  Carlos (86)
Chaotica (87)
Dr. Noah (92)
Duchamps (93)
Falcon (96)
Lily (101)
  Minuet (104)
Professor Honey Bare (110)
Professor Moriarty (111)
Secret Agent Julian Bashir (113)
Sheriff Worf (114)
The President of Earth (117)


The Borg - Have

Ankari Spirits (1)
The Weak will Perish (9)
Harness Particle 010 (47)
Idrin (82)
  Jorik (84)
Kohlar (98)
Captain Chakotay (102)
  Riley Frazier (114 - Non-Al.)
IKC Voq'leng (128)
The Think Tank's Ship (130)


Voyager - Have

Barzan Wormhole (30)
War Council (67)
  Investigate Quantum Singularity (90)   Karden (148)


Mirror Mirror - Have

Tantalus Field (1)
Terran Rebellian HQ (29)
  The Art of Diplomacy (37)
Commander Leeta (50)
  Mr. Tuvok (82)
Halkan Council (131)


Enhanced Premiere - Have

Beverly and Will (1)
Data and Geordi (2)
Data and Picard (3)
Jean-Luc and Beverly (4)
Sons of Mogh (5)
The Trois (6)
  Test Mission II (21)
Investigate Anamaly II (17)
Secret Salvage II (20)
Explore Black Cluster II (15)
Investigate Sighting II (18)
Explore Typhon Expanse II (16)
  Covert Installation II (13)
Excavation II (14)
Relief Mission II (19)
Alien Parasites / Rem Fatigue (7)
Computer Weapon / Hyper-Aging (10)
Femals Love Interest / Garbage Scow (11)
Anaphasis Device / Nagilum (8)


Enhanced Premiere Packs (sealed packs, 5 cards each pack) - Have

Top-Card: Beverly and Will (1)
Top-Card: Data and Geordi (2)
Top-Card: Data and Picard (3)
  Top-Card: Jean-Luc and Beverly (4)
Top-Card: Sons of Mogh (5)
Top-Card: The Trois (6)


The Trouble with Tribble - Have

Orb of Time (1)
Chula: The Drink (2)
Deep Space Station K-7 (22)
  Mr. Spock (72)
Worf (92)
  Stolen Attack Ship (102)
Breen Energy-Dampening Weapon (117)


Rules of Acquisition - Have

Protection Racket   Bractor   Omag


Blaze of Glory - Have

Chula: The Abyss   Locutus' Borg Cube  


Dominion - Have

Betazed Invasion
Issue Secret Orders
The Earring of Li Nalas
Chula: The Chandra
Office of the President
USS Odyssey
Admiral Leyton
IKC Rotarran
Keldon Advanced
Founder Leader
Empok Nor


Deep Space Nine - Have

Aid Fugitives
Symbiont Diagnosis
Saltah'Na Clock
No Loose Ends
Bareil Antos
Vedek Winn
  Tora Ziyal
Martus Mazur


First Contact - Have

Salvage Starship
Build Interplexing Beacon
Antique Machine Gun
  Magic Carpet Ride
Deanna Troi
  Queen's Borg Cube
Weak Spot
Wall of Ships


Q-Continuum - Have

Samaritan Snare
Investigate Legend
Bendii Syndrome
System-Wide Cascade Failure
  USS Stargazer
Katherine Pulaski
Ira Graves
Paul Manheim
  Nick Locarno
Zalkonian Storage Capsule


Introductory Two-Player Game - Have



Alternate Universe - Have

Fissure Research
Devidian Door
Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch
Data's Head
Coalescent Organism
  Beverly Picard
Tasha Yar - Alternate
IKC Fek'Ihr
Major Rakal
Stefan DeSeve
  Edo Vessel
Berlingoff Rasmussen
Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone
Seize Wesley


Premiere (White Border) - Have

Avert Disaster
Investigate Alien Probe
Investigate Disappearance
Investigate Disturbance
Investigate Shattered Space
Investigate Raid
Pegasus Search
Hunt for DNA Program
Khitomer Research
Study Nebula
Study Lonka Pulsar
Sarthong Plunder
Vulcan Stone of Gol
Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
Crystalline Entity
  Ktarian Game
Armus - Skin of evil
Tsiolkovsky Infection
Wind Dancer
USS Brittain
William T. Riker
Beverly Crusher
Geordi La Forge
Deanna Troi
Wesley Crusher
Alynna Nechayev
Tasha Yar
Thomas Riker
Tam Elbrun
Lwaxana Troi
Sir Isaac Newton
  Reginald Barclay
Leah Brahms
Albert Einstein
IKC Qu'Vat
IKC Hegh'ta
Goddness of Empath
Anti-Time Anomaly
Bynars Weapon Enhancement
Lore's Fingernail
Honor Challenge


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